Senin, 29 Maret 2010

hey..that could be a mommy whale..

oh hi again dears..after one month full of no post at all.hehe..
deep apology from me. : )
busy with my work and others.
busy on jakarta-pangkalpinang return trip and some sidejob stuffs.
how was the Earth Hours in your places?
i didn't even have the time to capture it happening in my town.. *sigh
and today's post would be another environmental issue that i really note lately.
check out this pictures..and what would you really feel?

what do those people have in their mind doing such nasty thing? hate them..

hey..that could be a mommy whale!!

i hold my breath the 1st time i note these pictures and it really breaks my heart seeing those heartless hunters. we hate nazi for doing a genocide on human race..why don't we hate these people who doing the same thing on whales? maybe its not happening near us..but it happens on a massive scale in Japan, Norway and Iceland. They kill thousand of whales and dolphins every years and sell the meat for consumption. The Humpback whales and Minke whales are they main target for now. Their numbers are decreasing greatly while you are sitting comfortly at home and reading this.
pls pls pls do something..
check out this link to do something from where you sit..

yes! do now..we can help
even if its not much,but our deed may count.
at least..i feel like smiling a lot each time i do something good because it feels good : ))

i prefer the mommy whale and her whole family to look like this.
let them be alive and happy..

love yourself and your surroundings,dears


Senin, 01 Maret 2010

promise to be quick.

ok.. just a quickpost from me
i just made a virtual lantern of my own to show that i support the Earth Hour..
its cute and i like the feeling when you did something good which in my case only happens once in a while.haha.. :)
click the banner and do something with your finger to save our planet.. nothing could be easier than that,right??
oh now! and the world appreciates it..

oh and this one made by me and my *not so* creative mind! i call it ELa
(Earth LAntern)

He's my old man..

as a new baby born..he was the first man caught by my two eyes,touched by my little hands.

as a toddler..he was the man who held my hands and lead my very first steps.

as a student..he was the man who reminded me to do my homework everynight he came home from work and spent sometimes helping me with math.

as a teenager..he was the man i often got really mad to for making so many rules about going out with friends.and also the man who stayed awake in the livingroom being so worried when i came home too late.

when i graduated from college and get a good job..he is the man who felt proud the most.

when i work away from home..he is the man who never fails to set a prayer for me and call me just to ask if i ever need anything from him.

as a woman..
he is always the very first man my heart ever fell in love with.

and as a daughter.. he is always my superhero..

this is from my last holiday in Bali with him

my graduation celebration in Lombok where he bought a bottle of wine just to celebrate it. sweet..

this is before an 8 hours trip to Badegur Beach, Pandeglang

well..excuse me 4 being so melancholic.but i feel like really missing my daddy.
oh anyway..since i was a in junior high my daddy has always been working away from home.
really far far away from home.
when i was in Jakarta..he spent years work in Papua.And now he's in Lombok.
and he's only home for like every 4 months.thats why i miss him often.. : )
and yes..i've always been a daddy's little girl.well he spoiled me much.
dont blame me.
oh and he's a really funny person! mm..he often acts silly and make us all laugh.
love love my papa.
dont you all do,dears?no matter how weird and irritating they can be.. : )

till then,,


Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

troops of rainbow!

jadi sodara sodara.. inget ikal dkk kan?inget bu mus?inget arai,lintang?naaah..saya ga ada hubungan darah apa apa koq sama mreka.beneran..
tapi..secara geografis sebenarnya sedikit terkoneksi lah.mngingat sejak bulan agustus taun lalu saya dikirim ke Pulau Bangka,di sebelahnya pulau Belitong kampung halamannya mreka smua.
naaaaahhh..saya itu mulai penempatan di pulau ini ga sendirian.tapi senasib dengan 9 orang makhluk lainnya yang smuanya berjenis kelamin ganda..pria maksud saya.. *maaf.
mau ga mau..sedikit ngerasa jadi satu keluarga besar Laskar Pelangi yang abnormal karena mreka smua memang pada dasarnya ga ada yang sehat mentalnya.
well..but just cant say how much i heart them all.
i'll share some pictures just to show u all my own Laskar Pelangi family here in Bangka Island..
well,,Andrea Hirata..i guess u just dunt have to cast any actors and actress for ur next sequel.we're all set!
dunt ya think?? hehe

mmm.. Ikal dkk 8 tahun kemudian..

dunt u think we're so much of a Troops of Rainbow?? LOL
guess which one should be Ikal? hehe..
and yes..i'm the only girl.and no..they dont really spoil me just because i'm the only girl.. *sigh

omaigooossh..dunt u see that we even take picures on a same location?? *look a like..haha
i've been thinking that me n my boys should make our own kira kira judulnya apa yah?? any idea? Laskar Pencari..*pencari nafkah.. aah lame! we'll think about it later.

well,,i've told u that those boys are see..?? hehe.oh and thats absolutely me.. pardon the bad quality better with a better camera next time..

oh,,have i told u that i'm coming home to jakarta next Friday?only for 3 days on the weekend but how excited i am.last time i went home was on December..its been like 2 months and yes i miss my mom.and i miss big city life.haha..
tell u about that later,dear..
till then..


Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

we love beaches and clear sky..

Oh Beaches and skies..makes me wanna go lalala. yeah..those things make my heart blushes. come and visit me in Bangka Island. if u dears wonder how they look like here's some proove from me.. :D

i live in paradise..*literally.. ^^

i love this one.really heart this! well..its just windy and beautiful

baiklah baiklaaaah.. deepest apology from me for it takes me forever to do an update.blame me..blame me. i guess i just dont have many to say but to share some beautiful photos of the clear skies recently in Bangka. we love clear skies dont we?especially when it is mixed with beaches! heavenly.. well blame me for living in a small island surrounded with amazing beaches and seems like we have summer holiday forever here so what do you expect ive been kinda busy enjoying everything.. *wink next time remind me to put that pictures! LOL

till then,dears


Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Visit Bangka 2010.. ^^

sbenarnya ada hubungan antara saya dan kep. Bangka Belitung??
oh..cinta tentunya.. ^^ hhaha
soalnya udah 4 bulan saya jadi penghuni kota pangkalpinang di pulau Bangka.
well buat yg balum tau dimana pulau bangka..cepetan buka peta atau hubungi guru geografi kesayangan kalian.atau.. baca Laskar pelangi..!

FYI ajjah, taun 2010 emang ada program Visit Bangka Archipelago dr pmerintah propinsi.
dan FYI jugaaa.. my stupid little sista jadi my 1st visitor early this year! hiphiphurrraayy... :D

she came last Saturday morning,and here's some wacky pictures to share..

@ museum Timah,,lapangan nya si sbenernya.. dynamic lunatic duo!!

bukan..bukan gila. cm agak cacat otaknya! hhehe. heart u

kita cintaaaa museum timah. *karena masukny ga bayaar* ^^

jadi kapan yang lain nyusul..??

hooow.. visit visit visit Bangka 2010..!! come and join us..

*dibayar brapa nii bwat kampanyee* :D

well,,nothing more to say..
Indonesia is a beautiful city,,and Bangka is a wonderful country.


Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

aww.. cup cup muaaaah!! LOL

nice.. ^^ dont y'all watch naruto? i think they'r cute.

bukan..ini bkn valentine edition koq.
bukan lagi jatuh cinta juga..
cuma suka aja foto foto nyaa *dan sedikit mupeng tentunyaa*

i love love love these couples.. :) *yak,silahkan tertawa..*

haha.. greets to u all first.

inget kapan trakhir kali nnton anime??
well,,guess im not an anime freak,but i enjoy them sumtimes.
and who doesnt?? especially sailormoon.. ayoo ngaku.plg ga wktu kecil pasti prnah doyan nonton sailormoon trs naksir sama tuxedo bertopeng.. yeaah sure! :D
waktu jaman SD mah kyana mamoru chiba ganteng beneer..soalnya blum kenal Hugh Jackman.hehe.

dan anime emg ga ada mati nya kan sampe skarang. well,,salute to japan who can do such great job and spread it all over the world.

so,,why dont we start producing our own..?? ^^
well,,easier to say than to do,right?
oh and anyway.. i just wanna share some pics of those famous couples.
*me and my couple,,kpan yaaak*

kisses! muaah.

my sister's wedding

so,,this is one of the biggest event in my life happenend in 2009.
my sister's wedding.. at November 17 2009

just wanna share some pics
oh i love love that moment.. happy for her and her husband.
may love takes place in everyday of her life.
so,,thats me on the right,,my elder sis with her groom n my li'l sis on d left.

beautiful place too.. ^^

i love everything done to my sis she looked heavenly gorgeous! ^^
heart you,sister

yay updates!! groaaarrr... :D

*berdoa dgn khusuk spy masih ada yg mau baca blog ini walopun judulnya cacat bgitu*

yak,,updates teman teman tercintaah.updates!!
ini baru postingan kedua dan saya dgn bangga nyebut fenomena ini update! senang...
hhehe..sangat menunjukkan kesederhanaan dalam kreativitas yah.

oke..saya akan dengan frontal membuka kebuntuan saya dalam membuat postingan kedua ini.
karena selama hampir 48 jam kemarin saya hanya menemukan kebuntuan kebuntuan dalam hidup. *sigh..

begini bapak ibu..
setelah post pertama blog ini saya on fire bgt pengen ngeblog,pengen cerita ini itu,pengen byk followernya,pengen jadi blogger of the month,pengen blognya terkenal bahkan sampe dibikin pilem *jauuuuh bgt*
bahkan sampe serius browsing kiat kiat nulis blog yang baik dan benar, tips menulis ala sitta karina, tips ngeblog dari raditya dika,tips mengembangkan kreativitas *yang ternyata adalah untuk anak-anak TK yang mau belajar origami*

maka semua ilmu dahsyat itu saya lakukan dengan harap harap cemas..
dengan langkahlangkah sebagai berikut:

  • Quoting to Sitta Karina's writing tips booklet.. a writer need a journal to note down any idea or thoughts or any single thing that suddenly comes up in mind. result : skarang saya punya notes kecil warna merah terang yang waktu saya taruh di meja kerja disangkain kotak kondom sutra sama temen kantor *makasih,mas..* dan satu satunya kalimat yg berhasil ada di situ cuma "tips: 2 spoonfull of honey + warm water". mudah mudahan berguna suatu hari nanti..
  • Read..blogs,books,papers,,anything! result: slama 2 jam ktawa-ktawa baca blog orang waktu jam kerja *maaf ya,pak* diliatin orang seruangan gara" lupa ngatur volum ketawa.hhehe.abis itu yang ada malah minder dan ga yakin bisa bkin blog yang sebagus itu.. *sigh again..
  • Listen to ur fave playlist and see how ideas flowing down.. ah,,this is my fave i put my headphones on,fave playlist on,paper and pen in hand being so ready to write down when those ideas burst out of my frozen mind.and after an hour the only thing i see flowing down is my document paper that i should be working on and get it done soon.well oke ne-yo..just dont stop singing pls.
  • dan akhirnyaaa..jurus pamungkas saya.... bengooong!! hhaha. iya,,kalo udah bingung begitu emang akhirnya malah jadi bengang bengong sambil kerja.memutar otak dan mengeluarkan semua kemampuan yang ada.. dan hasilnya yah tetep aja bengong.. bengong dalam artian yang sebenarnya,cuma minus mulut mangap ajah.karena di kantor jadi saya bengong nya yang agak beradab dikit,malu diliat bos.
maaf ya,mba sitta nya ga manjur bwat otak saya yang emang ndableg tingkat tinggi ini..hiikss

jadi sambil bengong,trus haus..trus kpikiran madu yang kmarin baru dibeli di bogor.
secara singkat yang terjadi berikutnya adalah 2 sendok madu + segelas air hangat. dan ternyata enaaak.. hhehe ^^

dan 10 menit berikutnyaaaah..
di notes-merah-terang-yang-dikira-kotak-kondom itu tertulis..

"posting kedua= writer's block a.k.a otak buntu"

begitulaah kirakira,, ^^
besok notes sutra itu mau ditulis apa yaah.. kecap + jeruk nipis?? hhehe
ternyata pny notes itu emg ada gunanya teman teman
plg ga bs dpake bwat nyatet utang.. :))

well,,see u all soon enough i hope.
koffietalks signing out.

PS. trnyta di botol madu ny ditulis khasiat : memperkuat fungsi otak.. *now it all makes sense to me* : )

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

welcome and have urself a comfort corner to sit along

dont let even ur wildest thought being left undone..

kalo ga salah si ada yg pernah bilang gitu ke its kind of suppose to be a quote.
oh but anyway,,leave it anonymous since i forget who told that.. *maap yak syapapun anda

so,,my wildest thought lately was to do a blog *how humble my thought is*
karena udah ada milyaran orang dsana yg punya blog dan i just start one. LOL

well then just welcome me :) 4 joining you all in this blogging thing,thought-sharing thingy. ah,,dont y'all just love letting everyone know what we think. entah itu bneran buat share,inspiring,skedar narsis,mningkatkan popularitas atau mencari nafkah *guess which one i'm in..hhehe

as short as it can be
koffietalks greets you all

hugs n kisses

a little about me

Foto saya
a 22 years free thinker,working at an amazing Island who enjoys everyday as a holiday.

i do care about this.