Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

troops of rainbow!

jadi sodara sodara.. inget ikal dkk kan?inget bu mus?inget arai,lintang?naaah..saya ga ada hubungan darah apa apa koq sama mreka.beneran..
tapi..secara geografis sebenarnya sedikit terkoneksi lah.mngingat sejak bulan agustus taun lalu saya dikirim ke Pulau Bangka,di sebelahnya pulau Belitong kampung halamannya mreka smua.
naaaaahhh..saya itu mulai penempatan di pulau ini ga sendirian.tapi senasib dengan 9 orang makhluk lainnya yang smuanya berjenis kelamin ganda..pria maksud saya.. *maaf.
mau ga mau..sedikit ngerasa jadi satu keluarga besar Laskar Pelangi yang abnormal karena mreka smua memang pada dasarnya ga ada yang sehat mentalnya.
well..but just cant say how much i heart them all.
i'll share some pictures just to show u all my own Laskar Pelangi family here in Bangka Island..
well,,Andrea Hirata..i guess u just dunt have to cast any actors and actress for ur next sequel.we're all set!
dunt ya think?? hehe

mmm.. Ikal dkk 8 tahun kemudian..

dunt u think we're so much of a Troops of Rainbow?? LOL
guess which one should be Ikal? hehe..
and yes..i'm the only girl.and no..they dont really spoil me just because i'm the only girl.. *sigh

omaigooossh..dunt u see that we even take picures on a same location?? *look a like..haha
i've been thinking that me n my boys should make our own movie..mm kira kira judulnya apa yah?? any idea? Laskar Pencari..*pencari nafkah.. aah lame! we'll think about it later.

well,,i've told u that those boys are lunatic.now see..?? hehe.oh and thats absolutely me.. pardon the bad quality pictures.do better with a better camera next time..

oh,,have i told u that i'm coming home to jakarta next Friday?only for 3 days on the weekend but how excited i am.last time i went home was on December..its been like 2 months and yes i miss my mom.and i miss big city life.haha..
tell u about that later,dear..
till then..


Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

we love beaches and clear sky..

Oh Beaches and skies..makes me wanna go lalala. yeah..those things make my heart blushes. come and visit me in Bangka Island. if u dears wonder how they look like here's some proove from me.. :D

i live in paradise..*literally.. ^^

i love this one.really heart this! well..its just windy and beautiful

baiklah baiklaaaah.. deepest apology from me for it takes me forever to do an update.blame me..blame me. i guess i just dont have many to say but to share some beautiful photos of the clear skies recently in Bangka. we love clear skies dont we?especially when it is mixed with beaches! heavenly.. well blame me for living in a small island surrounded with amazing beaches and seems like we have summer holiday forever here so what do you expect ive been kinda busy enjoying everything.. *wink next time remind me to put myself..in that pictures! LOL

till then,dears


a little about me

Foto saya
a 22 years free thinker,working at an amazing Island who enjoys everyday as a holiday.

i do care about this.